We can have Flutter project specific settings for VS Code so that all developers who work on it have a consistent experience. Below is my settings.json
file. Add this to the .vscode
folder under the project root directory.
"dart.debugExternalPackageLibraries": false,
"dart.debugSdkLibraries": false,
"dart.lineLength": 150,
"[dart]": {
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.organizeImports": "explicit",
"source.fixAll": "explicit",
"source.quickFix": "explicit",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.rulers": [
// disable built-in highlighting and use Dart's ability to highlight only exact references
"editor.selectionHighlight": false
// always switch to debugging console when starting a debug session
"debug.internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart",
"files.insertFinalNewline": true,
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true
I am using the ruler and line length as 150
instead of 80
so that we don't have too much code wrapping. It makes Flutter code very unreadable in my experience.