Installing Ruby on Rails in Windows is very easy.

1. Go to download section of

2. Check the recommended version for ruby to be installed. At present the recommended version is Ruby 1.8.7.

3. Download Ruby 1.8.7 (preferably Ruby 1.8.7-p249 RubyInstaller).

4. Download RubyGems. You can download the latest one. (

5. Install Ruby. (You must check set environment path during installation.)

6. Extract ruby-gems and navigate to the extracted folder using cmd.

7. Inside the ruby-gems folder type, ruby setup.rb.

8. Now RubyGems is installed, you can simply run gem install rails to install rails.

It is found that there are some problems with Ruby 1.9.1 with rails (in Ubuntu). However Ruby 1.8.7 works fine.