Usenet groups can be accessed using variety of methods. One way is to use Google Groups to access them. But the disadvantage here is that you will see all the spams and it is really difficult especially navigating comp.lang.lisp group. Here I'll show how to access them effectively without those stupid spams. Thanks to comp.lang.lisp guys for helping me get this clear.

1. You need to use a news reader client. You can choose anyone for eg. Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Microsoft OutLook etc. Here I'll show how to use Windows Live Mail to access newsgroups.

2. If you are using Windows 7, you need to download Windows Live Mail.

3. When running Windows Live Mail for the first time it will ask for an email account. Configure it since an account is need to post to newsgroups.

4. Go to and register there. Remember the username and password. We will be accessing newsgroups using this server. This server will effectively weed out spams and make out lives a lot more easier.

5. Next at the bottom of the Windows Live Mail you'll see the Newsgroup option. Click on it and on the left pane you will see Add newsgroup.

6. Click on it and a dialog pops up. Follow it till the end. Well, at first you need to enter a display name.

7. Next add the above email address.

8. Next add the news (NTTP) server as and tick the box which says My news group requires me to log in.

9. Next enter the username and password that you used to register at

10. The rest will be taken care by the application. It will test the connection, download the list etc.
NB: After 150 days of inactivity will sent you a warning message. Further inactivity will lead to deletion of your registered account.

Don't use top-posting. Read this guide on How do I quote Correctly in Usenet?

How do you Lisp guys get to this place.

Some use a magical wardrobe, other teleport via wormholes. People used to ride dragons, but the TCO (burned clothes etc) is too high for most. Lisp Gods just rely on omnipresence.

You might also want to consider using a newsreader. Popular servers include (free), (low cost).

- Tamas K Papp