Let's say there is a Java class with a non-static enum field like below.

package com.example;

public class Crypter {

    public enum KeyPlacement {

    private KeyPlacement keyPlacement;

    public KeyPlacement getKeyPlacement() {
        return this.keyPlacement;

    public void setKeyPlacement(final KeyPlacement newKeyPlacement) {
        this.keyPlacement = newKeyPlacement;

Setting keyPlacement value from Clojure can be done as follows.

(ns core
  (:import [com.example Crypter Crypter$KeyPlacement]))

(doto (Crypter.)
  (.setKeyPlacement Crypter$KeyPlacement/INLINE))

When compiling the above source, inner classes, enums etc. gets generated with $ appended as Crypter$KeyPlacement. So we can import those and access them from Clojure.