The cp command does not have an excludes option. One way to copy files ignores some files or directories is to create a tarball. The tar command has an exclude option. The exclude patterns can be mentioned in a separate file and passed in to the tar command.

├── .git
├── .gitignore
├── books.html
├── book.js
├── buildExcludes
├── main.js
├── manifest.json
├── bin
│   └── BO
│       ├── books.html
│       ├── books.js
│       ├── main.js
│       ├── manifest.json
│       └── res
│           └── icons
│               ├── bo-128.png
│               ├── bo-16.png
│               ├── bo-256.png
│               ├── bo-32.png
│               ├── bo-48.png
│               ├── bo-512.png
│               └── bo-64.png
└── res
    └── icons
        ├── bo-128.png
        ├── bo-16.png
        ├── bo-256.png
        ├── bo-32.png
        ├── bo-48.png
        ├── bo-512.png
        ├── bo-64.png
        └── bo.fla

In the above directory structure, I want to copy certain file to bin/BO but ignore others like .git, fla files in the res/icons directory, the build scripts etc. For that first create an file say buildExcludes with the exclude pattern.

Content of the exclude file is given below.


Create the tar, deflate to the destination directory and delete the tar once done.

tar -cvf bo.tar * -X buildExcludes  # create tar
tar -xvf bo.tar -C bin/BO/          # deflate to destination directory
rm -f bo.tar                        # cleanup