Bitwise shift operators (shift left <<, and shift right >>) can be used in multiplying and dividing if the divisor is a power of 2. Here I ran a test which shows that bitwise shift operators perform twice faster than the multiplication or division operators.

Shift Right (>>)

When you need to divide a number by 2 or its power we can instead use shift operator. You read more about the theory behind it elsewhere, say wikipedia.

// shift right (divide)
trace( 12 >> 1 );    //6
trace( 12 >> 2 );    //3

//shift left (multiply)
trace( 12 << 1 );    //24
trace( 12 << 2 );    //48

Shifting right by one position is similar to divide by 2, and shifting right by two position is similar to divide by 4.

Shift Left (<<)

Similarly is the case with shift left (<<) where you will be multiplying the value instead.

// bit shift vs divide operator performance
var bigNum:int = 100000000;    //8-zeros
var i:int=0;
function computeDiv():void
    for( i=0; i<100000000; i++ ) {
        bigNum = bigNum / 2;
function computeShift():void
    for( i=0; i<100000000; i++ ) {
        bigNum = bigNum >> 1;    //shift right
var t0:Number = getTimer();
trace( t0 );    //22
var t1:Number = getTimer();
trace( t1 );    //4017
trace( "Time elapsed (Division): " + String( t1 - t0 ) );    //3995
var t2:Number = getTimer();
trace( t2 );    //4017
var t3:Number = getTimer();
trace( t3 );    //5689
trace( "Time elapsed (Shift): " + String( t3 - t2 ) );    //1672

This shows that the bitwise operators perform better than multiplication or division operators. This is tested using the debug version of the flash player. Using the normal version might show better results.